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Projects sites | France

Seine et Marne (77)

  • Action: Restoration of hay meadows and preparation of infrastructure for mowing
  • Region: Normandy-Paris (south east of the Parisian region)
  • Biogeographical region: Atlantic
  • Partners: Conservatoire Botanique National du Bassin Parisien (Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle), A.G.RE.NA.BA (Association de Gestion de la Réserve Naturelle de la Bassée - management organisation of the La Bassée nature reserve)
  • Site location: District of Gouaix
  • Protection status of the area : La Bassée Nature Reserve (Natura 2000 site: FR1100798)


Ecological interest in the area

Sections in the 57-58 route:

- Habitats: tall herb fringe (code 6430) and common reed beds (code 53.11)

- Species: very rare (yellow sedge, Carex flava), rare (marsh euphorbia, Euphorbia palustris) and quite rare (blunt-flowered rush, Juncus obtusiflorus)

Sections in the 58-59 route:

- Habitats: tall herb fringe (code 6430) and wet hay meadows (E3.41)

- Species: very rare (smooth brome, Bromus racemosus), rare (marsh euphorbia, Euphorbia palustris) and quite rare (blunt-flowered rush, Juncus obtusiflorus)

Sections in the 59-60 route:

- Habitats: humid hay meadows (E3.41)

- Species: rare (great burnet, Sanguisorba officinale)

Sections in the 64-65 route:

- Habitats: tall herb fringe (Code 6430)

- Species: very rare (smooth brome, Bromus racemosus), rare (marsh euphorbia, Euphorbia palustris) and quite rare (blunt-flowered rush, Juncus obtusiflorus)

This region is located near a vast alluvial plain (part of the Seine valley) that is liable to flooding and known for its ecological riches and natural resources (aquifers, sands and gravels, agricultural potential, etc.). The remarkable ecological interest of this region, which has been recognised for a long time, has brought about the establishment of protection projects run by the Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle in the 1970s, which at the time were not able to succeed. Currently, we believe that this heritage is under threat. Profound mutations have affected the area over the past 40 years. The agricultural practices which have ensured the care and maintenance of the landscape for 7,000 years are disappearing. By way of example, the hay meadows which once occupied the bulk of the valley bottom have seen their surface area reduce by more than 70 % in 30 years, causing the species related to this area to become rare. This includes notably four regionally protected insect species, two Lepidoptera - Aporia crataegii and Pieris manii, one orthopter - Ruspolia nitidula and one mantis - Mantis religiosa. One of the objectives of La Bassée reserve located nearby is the conservation and restoration of the hay meadows to ensure the survival of the species linked to this type of environment.


On the basis of recommendations made by the Conservatoire Botanique du Bassin Parisien and the AGRENABA, the LIFE project will try out a late mowing regime for these routes (mid-August to mid-September). Mowing can be done at two different heights depending on each case: a few centimetres above the ground for grasses and a more thorough clearing of the ground to destroy the tree stumps present on the site.

The material resulting from clearing the woody vegetation will be removed by being blown towards the woods situated along the line or by taking it away in skips.

As of 2013, and for the duration of the LIFE project, grass mowing will be carried out annually with the cut material being removed.

An After LIFE management plan will also be set up and local actors will monitor habitual biological indicators.

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