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Actions | Awareness-raising actions

Vademecum for electricity companies and forestry management

The innovative and the exemplary qualities of the management of the electric line routes that the LIFE project is aiming to develop must be able to convince as many electricity transmission system operators, land owners and managers as possible in the 27 Member States.

It is vital that all of these actors can access a real tool that gives them suggestions of management practices that will benefit the spread of biodiversity and the logic of ecological corridors.

This tool must help them to modify their current management practices or to noticeably increase their understanding of the importance of taking into account biodiversity in their respective activities.

The drafting of these two vade mecums will be undertaken in close collaboration with the "environmental departments" of the two companies ELIA and RTE, as well as with representatives from public forest managers (DNF and ONF) and with groups managing private forests (NTF, SRFB and CRPF, but also more significantly ELO and FACE).

The two vade mecums, which have also come about as a result of our encounters with other European electricity transmission system operators, will be available as PDFs at the end of the project, both in French and in English.